My New Year's Wish
For the New Year, I wanted to give my friends a voice through this blog. I decided to ask a few of them what they would wish/say to the world for the new year. Some of them responded, some of them couldn't think of anything off-hand, and some of them wanted to keep it to themselves. The following responded:
My friend Diana Leinani from Hawaii, that I've known since we were freshmen in college, has two wishes: 1) she wishes that people would live by the Golden Rule, which is Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And 2) she also thinks that people should get actively involved with issues they are passionate about.
My friend Melody from Seattle, who I have known since we were Sophomores in college, sends the following: "Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day!"
My friend Kay from Phoenix, who I have known since early high school, says: "May this coming Jubilee Year of Mercy inspire/empower all to share their talents, gifts and time with those in need. Random spiritual and corporal Acts of Kindness will benefit not only those that receive, but those that give as well"!
My friend Christy from Kennewick and her family wish everyone a "Happy New Year!"
There are several groups of people who wish Peace on Earth.
Someone who is dear to my heart wishes that everyone would have faith in Jesus Christ.
And the background for my prayer for the world in 2016:
I have worked in the corporate world enough to know that things sometimes work better with a certain amount of structure. Fortunately I worked in marketing so I was allowed some creativity to change things. I also understand the need the need for structure, in a larger sense, in the world. I am very grateful every day for what I have, but there are some things that I don't understand, and my New Year’s wish involves the resolution of these issues.
I don't understand why:
- Over 60 million people were displaced in the world in 2015
- There are over 50,000 homeless in the Los Angeles area alone
- There are still people in refugee camps in Africa in 2015
- One of the richest men in America bought our energy company and immediately tried to raise the rates
- Companies like Dow, ADM, etc. feel they need to make synthetic food to 'feed the world' when we could help the world to grow real food
- We insure farmers in America instead of subsidizing them
- The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 795 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world, or one in nine, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2014-2016
My New Years wish involves the resolution of these issues in 2016.
Happy New Year!